Attitude is Everything... BE HAPPY
I have had a lot of email lately asking me " Alyssa, why haven't you updated you blog"... Well I went over it in my mind and thought.... Do I want people to know what is really going on with me, or do I want to make sure that they hear no negative and only positive? Then I remembered the promise I made to myself... I WILL ALWAYS BE HONEST AND NOT CARE WHO READS THIS, IT JUST MIGHT HELP SOMEONE!
Well my life has been changing. For quite a long time. It is an emotional roller coaster that I am coming to grips with. I don't really know how or why I got here but I will do my best to embrace where I am going.
So for now this is what I have to say.....For a really long time I have looked in the mirror wondering who I saw. Is the face I saw looking back at me ... me
She is a collaboration of many years. Many trials. Many tears. Many decisions. Many fears, a lot of getting to know... me
I am happy with the the women that looks back at me. I know that she has a lot to offer, and give to others. I know that she is a good mother, friend, sister, daughter, aunt, partner and much more.
I might not be what the normal says to be, but I am real. I am a good person and happy about who I am. I want to help other people. I want them to learn from my mistakes and grow. I want to be involved in their growth and development. I want them to know me and know that I have been there and that I understand and will not judge them.