
You will find, as you look back upon your life, that the moments that stand out, the moments when you have really lived, are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of Love ... Henry Drummond

The Best Preperation for tomorrow is to give life my best Today!

We Write our own destiny...We become what we do.
...Madame Chiang Kai-Shek
Develop a positive attitude-Live your life with motivation!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

we get through it together.



I am going to go back to a subject that I really believe in. I really truely and honestly believe that if we reherse the positive we will get just that. If we constanty reherse the negative that is what we will get as well. I have had a couple of really rough days and I want to share with you how I got on the possitive path I am on. I may not be seen as "mainstream" here in Utah but I still have a spirit as we all do that grows and learns along it's journey we call life. In the last few days I have seen tragedy turn into peace. People are there that truely care and only want the best for us to be happy , healthy and succed. There are those that need a large friendship circle filled with many people all very similar that seem to be all on the same ground. I choose to keep my circle open to new thoughts, ideas, loves, and gifts that we can all grow from and help eachother. It is hard to find very genuine people but when you do .... KEEP THEM! Serve them because it all comes back around.

So as most of you know that I love my CVR machine. It keeps me focused and on the path of personal empowerment and success. I remind you all of a fall that I took many months ago when my blood pressure dropped and I passed out and hit my head. I did need stitches, but felt there were other options. That info is in a previous post.

Well several days ago I started to get very lethargic, my appitite was decressing and a headache started behind my eyes. Within the next day I was in a full blown EDS attack. I was like a limp noodle. I had a very supportive team that was there for anything that me or my kids would needs. I slept and cried. The pain in my joints and muscles was so bad. I just tried to sleep through it and not move.

It finally became more than I could bear and I was taken to the ER. EDS is not usually a common thing seen by ER doctors so they spend some time looking it up. The Doctor asked me what he should do?..."Doctor that is what I am asking you for help with" Immediatly the narcodics were offered. I said " Doctor I am here in so much pain. I have been absolutly 100% clean of narcodics for pain for a YEAR. I have come to far to take a step backwards!" He was puzzled. I think most people come into the ER to get pain meds and I insisted there had to be a different way. I was not going to even entertain the thought of narcotics. After much research and thinking two VERY VERY big shots were given to me to help the inflamation in the joins and to help me sleep through the rest of the attack.

So if anyone out there doesn't think they can stay strong even in their weakest moments, I will happily introduce myself to them! I am proud of myself. The rehersal process that the CVR sessions have taught me are priceless.

Once again I proved to myself that anything is possible if you put your mind to it!!!!

I mentioned on my other blog that it feels embarassing that I have to wear stabilizing braces on many joints. My Daughter saw them and asked me why I wasn't wearing them. I told her I get embarressed somtimes when people look or ask me what is wrong. She then said "MOM WEAR THEM!!! THEY HELP YOU> PEOPLE AREN"T LOOKING AT THE BRACES, THEY ARE LOOKING AT YOU!
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Monday, January 10, 2011

It hurts!

I have been on YouTube trying to find answers and people with EDS that I can relate to. I know that stress plays a big factor and we all know that I have a lot of stress. When I was a kid I always seemed so tired. Now I at least know there is a big link with EDS and chronic fatigue. I can't even begin to explain how I feel tonight. EVERY AREA of MY BODY HURTS. I have been opiate free for almost a year! I knew that that crap would kill me and I have to much to live for. I was trying to phyc myself up to get the shots in my hands so I can be fitted for the finger and wrist splints. Once I saw the videos I am more scared than before. I just want answers and relief. I don't want to sound negative but this is hard. Just one day .... That's all . Just one day.
I want this awful divorce over and I want my kids in my arms.